Pre-1928 Ottoman Turkish Literary Periodicals: The Hamidian Period (1876-1908)

This list focuses on literary periodicals in Ottoman Turkish. In the interest of providing as comprehensive a listing as possible, the criteria for inclusion is relatively simple. I have opted to list any periodical publication (defined below) produced in the Ottoman Turkish language, or in a multilingual format that includes Ottoman Turkish, that expressly describes itself as a “literary” (“edebi”). Distinction will not be made between those works published inside the Ottoman Empire or outside of it. On occasion, works that do not include an explicit statement about their content will be included in the list if they exhibit many of the characteristics of a literary journal, i.e. literary criticism; publication of original poetry or prose works of fiction; translations of foreign literary works. Below find the titles relevant to the Hamidian period. Criteria for inclusion can be viewed here. Lists are also available for the Tanzimat (1839-1876), the Second Constitutional Period (1908-1923) and The War of Independence and the Turkish Republic (1919-1928). The full list with all three periods included can be downloaded here. Credit goes to Michael Erdman and Hazine.

Afak: siyasetten başka her şeyden bahseder, cüz cüz neşrolunur risale-i mevkutedir

آفاق : سياساتدن بشقه هر شيدن بحث ايدر و جزؤ جزؤ نشر اولنور رسالۀ موقوته در

Published and edited by A. Kâmil, printed by Matbaa-ı Osmaniye.

Monthly; 20 Zilhicce 1299 [2 November 1882] – 7 Cemaziyelahir 1300 [15 April 1883]

Afak carried a wide variety of articles, from contemporary poetry and short stories, to pieces on mathematics and the economy. Muallim Naci was a frequent contributor to the journal. 

See also: Demir, Kenan, “Osmanlı basınında say’u amel tartışmaları”, Erciyes İletişim Dergisi Akademia, 5:3 (2018), 124-140.  

Anadol Ahteri: Fenni ve Ahlaki Musavver Haftada Bir Defa Neşr Olunur Risale-i Mevkute

Anatol Ahteri Cover Issue 6 (1886)

Ανατολ Αχτερι : Φεννι βε αχλακη μουσαββερ χαφταδα πιρ δεφα νεσρ ολουνουρ ρεσαλει μευκουτε

Published at the Margarides Matbaası. 

Weekly; 1 Septembrios 1886 – 24 Martios 1887. 

This Karamanlitic weekly contained a wide spectrum of content, including original literary works and literary criticism. It also appears to have circulated translations of content from Western European languages into Karamanlıca. 

Angeliaforos: Çocuklar için

Αγγελιοφορος: Τζοτζουκλαρ ιτζουν

Published by the Amerika Misiyonarları Şirketi in Istanbul. 

Monthly; 1872-1895.

A supplement to the Karamanlıca periodical Angeliaforos, this monthly was published as a part of the American Missionary Society’s evangelical activities in the Ottoman Empire. It carried various pieces of translated children’s literature, all of which was aimed at spreading Protestant ideas among Greek Orthodox children. 

See also: Kahya, Hayrullah, Karamanlıca Resimli Bir Çocuk Dergisi: Angeliaforos Çocuklar İçün (1872) (Ankara: Grafiker Yayınları, 2017); and: Karabıçak, Yusuf Ziya, “Angelioforos Çocuklar İçin ve Osmanlı Devleti’nde Modern Çocukluk Söyleminin Oluşumu”, in Toplumsal Tarih (November 2011), pp. 2-11.

Awetaber (Çocuklar İçin)

Աւետաբեր (Ջոջուգլար իջին)

Edited by Hagop Boyacani and published by the Amerika Misiyonarları Şirketi in Istanbul.

Monthly; 1872-1897. 

A supplement to the Armeno-Turkish periodical Awetaber, this monthly (also known as Avedaper) was published as a part of the American Missionary Society’s evangelical activities in the Ottoman Empire under the editorial supervision of Mr. Hagop Boyacani. It carried various pieces of translated children’s literature, all of which was aimed at spreading Protestant ideas among Armenian children. An Armenian version continued to be published until 1915. 

See also: “The Messenger for Children”, Digital Library for International Research

Çocuklara Kıraat: Mekâtib-i ibtidâiye ve sıbyaniye şâgirdâni için on beş günde bir neşr olunur

چوجقلره‌ قرائت: مکاتب ابتدائیه‌ و وصبیانیه‌ شاکردانیچون اون بش کنده‌ بر نشر اولنور

Published by Mehmet Ziya in Istanbul.

Biweekly; 1 Safer 1299 [23 December 1881] – 15 Zilhicce 1299 [28 October 1882].

A periodical devoted to literature for school age children to which A[yın]. Nuri, Reşad Bey, Tarsuslu Halil Kemal Efendi, M. Aziz, Mehmed Cevdet, Mehmed Ziya, Lî-Hâce Hasan Efendi, and A[yın]. Ragıp were all frequent contributors. The magazine also carried significant numbers of translated pieces, many of them focused on the shaping of model Ottoman citizens. 

See also: Balcı, Ahmet, “Çocuklara Kıraat dergisi”, Bilig, 68 (2014), pp. 25-42; and Barutçu, Tuğba, Çocuklara Kıraat (1881) ve Sevimli Mecmua (1925) Dergilerindeki Çeviri Metinler ve Dış Dünya Üzerine bir İnceleme, (unpublished masters thesis, Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018).

Envar-ı zekâ: mesail-i siyasiye ve mezhebiyeden maada her şeyden bahs eder, on beş günde bir kere neşr olunur risale-yi mevkutedir

Envar-i Zeka Cover, Issue 16 (1882?)

انوار ذكا: مسائل سياسيه و مذهببیه‌دن ماعدا هر شیدن بحث ايدر، اور بش كونده بر كره نشر اولنور رسالۀ موقوته در

Edited by Mustafa Reşit and printed in Istanbul at Mihran Matbaası, 1299-1300 [1881-1882]; Mahmud Bey Matbaası, 1301 [1883]; Matbaa-yı Ebüzziya, 1301-1302 [1884-1885]; and  A. K. Tozliyan, 1302 [1885].

Semi-monthly; 1299-1302 [1881-1885].

This periodical, which expressly eschewed political and sectarian topics, was an important forum for the dissemination and discussion of Ottoman Turkish literature. Issues 13-24 were labelled the “Envar-i Zekâ Kısm-ı Musavveri” (“Envar-i Zekâ Illustrated Section”) and featured photographs and drawings of a wide number of subjects. 

See also: Soydaş, Hakan “Tahlilî Fihristi Işığında Envar-ı Zekâ Dergisinin Edebî Faaliyetleri”, Gazi Türkiyat Türkoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 21 (2017), pp. 137-161

Gülşen-i Edeb: Risale-i edebiye ve fennidir

كلشن ادب: رساله ادبيه و فنیه‌در

Published by Ahmet İhsan ve Şürekâsı and printed at the Âlem Matbaası in Istanbul.

Weekly; 4 Mart 1315 [17 March 1889] – 22 Nisan 1315 [5 May 1889].

A weekly compilation of literary and scientific pieces, Gülşen-i Edeb carried both original and translated pieces. İsmâil Safa was a noted contributor to this periodical.

Güneş: Mesail-i siyasiye’den maada herşeyden bahseder, onbeş gün neşr olunur

كونش: مسائل سیاسیه‌دن معده‌ هرشیدن بحث ادر، اونبش كنده بر نشر اولنور

Edited by Beşir Fuat and printed in İstanbul(?).

Semi-monthly; 1301 [1883-84] (only the year provided on all 12 issues).

One of a number of publications spearheaded by Beşir Fuat, Güneş aimed to spread knowledge and discussion of literature among the younger generation. It attracted numerous well-known contributors, including Abdülhak Hamid (Tarhan), Ahmet Rasim, Hüseyin Avni, Muallim Naci, and Şemsettin Sami (Sami Frashëri). 

See also: Demir, Kenan, “Osmanlı basınında say’u amel tartışmaları”, Erciyes İletişim Dergisi Akademia, 5:3 (2018), 124-140.  

Hafta: Edebiyat ve Fünun ve Sanayıa dair mecmuadir

هفته‌: ادبیات و فنون و صنايعه دائر مجموعه‌در

Edited by Şemsettin Sami (Sami Frashëri) and printed in Istanbul.

Hafta Cover, Issue 20 (1882)

Weekly; 22 Ramazan 1298 [August 19, 1881] 21 Safer 1299 [13 January 1882].

A literary magazine edited by the well-known Ottoman intellectual turned Albanian nationalist, Şemsettin Sami, Hafta carried some of Sami’s earliest works regarding literature and language. 

See also: Doğramacıoğlu, Hüseyin, “Şemseddin Sami’nin Kaleminden Dil ve Edebiyat Meseleleri,” Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3:10 (2010), pp. 252-258.

Hamiyet: Âsar-ı Edebiye ve Mevadd-ı Fenniye’yi hâvidir, onbeş günde bir neşrolunur

حمیت: آثار ادبيه و مواد فنیه‌یی حاويدر، اونبش كنده بر نشر اولنور

Edited by Mustafa Rıza and published in Istanbul.

Semi-monthly; 17 Nisan 1302 [30 April 1886] – 15 Kanun-ı Evvel 1302 [28 December 1886].

The circulation and general composition of this literary magazine of 17 issues is unknown. 

Hâver: onbeş günde bir cüz neşrolunur, siyasiyâtten maada her şeyden bahs eder

حاور: اونبش كنده نشر اولنور، سياساتدن معده هر شيدن بحث ادر 

Edited by İzmirli Hocazade Mehmed Ubeydullah (Hatiboğlu) and printed in Istanbul at Mahmud Bey Matbaası.  

Semimonthly; 15 Cemâziyelevvel 1301 [13 March 1884] – 1 Şaban 1301 [27 May 1884].

A short-run journal of various content, including literary subjects, Hâver occasionally carried longer prose pieces. It was edited by Mehmet Ubeydullah (Hatiboğlu), a prominent member of the Young Turks and a parliamentarian during the War of Independence. 

Hazine-i fünun: perşembe günleri neşrolunur edebî ve fennî gazete

حزينه فنون: پرشنبه کنلری نشر اولنور ادبی و فنی غزته

Edited by Kirkor Faik and published in Istanbul by Asır Kütüphanesi.

Weekly; 3 Temmuz 1308 [16 July 1892] – 20 Ağustos 1312 [2 September 1896].

This periodical is one of a number of different publications realized by Kirkor Faik, also known as Faik Reşat. It carried literary artistic extracts, news and criticism and was notable for its Ottomanist perspective. 

See also: Erdal, Derviş, “Hazine-i Fünun Dergisi (3. Yıl, 27-52. Sayılar) (İnceleme ve Seçilmiş Metinler)”, (unpublished masters thesis, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2008)

İcti̇had: ayda bir neşrolunur, serbest, mecmua-i Osmaniye ve İslamiyedir

اجتهاد: آيدا بر نشر اولنور، سربست، مجموعه عثمانيه و اسلامیەدر

Also known as: Idjtihad: Libre examen

Published and edited by Abdullah Cevdet first in Geneva (1904-05), then Cairo (1905-11), and finally Istanbul (1911-32).

Varied periodicity, including weekly, biweekly or monthly; 1 Eylül 1904 [13 September 1904] – Kanun-ı Evvel 1932. 

Originally a bilingual (Ottoman Turkish-French) publication, this magazine expressed stridently anti-Hamidian, pro-Europeanization views. Although it was not an expressly literary periodical, it did carry considerable numbers of articles about Ottoman Turkish literature as well as translations from European languages. 

See also: Polat, Nazım H., “İctihad: Abdullah Cevdet (ö. 1932) idaresi altında yayımlanan ilmî, siyasî ve edebî muhtevalı dergi,” Türk Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi. <Last accessed: 16 April 2020>

İmdad ül-midad

امداد المداد

Edited by Abdülkerim Sabit and printed in Istanbul(?).

Biweekly(?); 1 Safer 1303 [9 November 1885] – 1303 [(18 January?) 1886].

A magazine expressing the literary zeitgeist of the time, İmdad ül-midad was one of a number of publications by Abdülkerim Sabit. Its pages featured, from time to time, the writings of Şeyh Vasfi and Muallim Naci. 

See also: Fevziye, Abdullah, “Muallim Naci ile Recaizâde Ekrem Arasındaki Münakaşalar ve Bu Münakaşalar Sebep Olduğu Edebi Hâdiseler,” İÜ Türkiyat, 10 (1953), pp. 159-200.

İrşad: hər gün ədəbi, siyasi, ilmi, iqtisadi və içtimai Türk dilində musalman qəzetəsidir

ارشاد: هر كون ادبى، سیاسی، علمى، اقتصادى و اجتماعى ترك دلنده مسلمان غزتەسیدر

Edited by Ahmet Ağaoğlu, owned by İsabey Aşurbeyov and printed in Baku at İrşad Matbaası.

Daily; 1905-1908.

An important observer of political, economic, social and cultural life among Azeri Turks, this daily had sections devoted to literature and language in each of its issues. Important contributors included Ahmet Ağaoğlu, Üzəyir Hacıbeyov, Məmməd Əmin Rəsulzadə, Həsən Sabri Əyvazov, Əli Bəy Hüseynzadə Turan, Abdullah Cevdet and Ömer Faik Numanzade.

See also: Erincik, Emel, “İrşad Gazetesinin 1907-1908 Yıllarının Kronolojik Fihristi,” (unpublished masters thesis, Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatları Anabilim Dalı, 2009); Beşikçioğlu, Bahar Melis, “İrşad Gazetesinin 1907-1908 Yıllarının Kronolojik Fihristi,” (unpublished masters thesis, Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatları Anabilim Dalı, 2008); and Yıldırım, İrfan Murat, “Azerbaycan’da Matbuat Hareketlerinin Başlangıcı,” Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Dergisi, 2:2 (2013), pp. 147-160.

Kıbrıs: Şimdilik Pazartesi günleri neşrolunur, siyasat, edebiyat ve fünundan bahistir

قبرس: شمدیلق کنلری نشر الونور، سیاست، ادبیات و فنوندن باحثدر

Printed in Lefkoşa (Nicosia).

Weekly; 10 Ağustos 1308 [23 August 1892] – 1310? [1895?]

Little information is available regarding this particular literary publication beyond its strapline advertising its focus on political, literary and artistic issues.  

See also: Çiçek, Osman and Abdurrahman Akgün, “Kıbrıs Türk Gazeteleri Sayı: 1894-1895; Yeni harflere aktarım” (unpublished masters (?) thesis, Yakın Doğu Ünivesitesi Fen Edebiyatı Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü, 2005).

Maarif: Perşembe günleri neşrolunur fennî ve edebî musavver gazete

معارف: پرشنبە کنلری نشر الونور فنی و ادبی مصور غزته

Edited by Ahmet Naci and printed in Istanbul at Kasbar Matbaası.

Weekly; 19 Ağustos 1307 [1 September 1891] – 29 Ağustos 1312 [11 September 1896]

Part of the anything-but-politics trend in periodicals during the Hamidian period, Maarif focused on cultural, literary and artistic trends in late 19th-century Ottoman society. It was a rare illustrated magazines of this type, and occasionally had Arabic and Persian pieces as well. Its contributors included Osman Efendi, Tayfur Efendi and Cevdet Efendi.

See also: Erbay, Erdoğan, “Maarif Mecmuası: Tafsilli Fihrist ve Bütün Şiirler”, (unpublished masters thesis, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Anabilim Dalı, 1991).

Manzara: Havadis-i medeniye, mebhis-i fenniye ve edebiye, hıfzıssıhha, seyahat, teracim-i ahval ve roman gibi hususat-ı mütenevvia’dan bahseder

منظره: حوادث مدنيه، مبحث فنيه و ادبيه، حفظ صحه، سياحت، براجم أحوال و رومان كبى خصوصات متنوعيەدن بحث ادر

Published by Mehmet Ramiz Bey and printed in Istanbul.

Biweekly; 1 Mart 1303 [13 March 1887] – 8 Teşrin-i Evvel 1303 [20 October 1887].

Manzara was a general interest periodical with a heavy focus on carrying contemporary original content as well as translations of European, Arabic, Persian and other literatures. It also had a section devoted specifically to women’s issues. At various points in its publication, it was edited by Ramiz Bey, Hüsnü, A. Nuri Bey and Osman Nuri Bey.

See also: Nilüfer, İlhan, “Manzara Mecmuası: İnceleme, Fihrist, Seçme, Metinler,” (unpublished masters thesis, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Türk Dili ve Edebiyat Anabilim Dalı, 2001).

Marifet: Türkçe ve Fransızca olarak haftada bir defa neşrolunur fennî ve edebî risâledir

معرفت: تركده و فرانسزجه اوله رق هفته ده بر دفعه نشر اولنور فنى و ادبى رساله در

Also: Maarifet: la seule revue hebdomadaire Turco-Française.

Edited by Teodosya, Aristovoulos Hristidis and Ali Muzaffer and printed in Istanbul at Kasbar Matbaası.

Weekly; 17 mars 1898 – 6 septembre 1898.

A collaboration between the first female journalist in the Ottoman Empire, Teodosya (Theodosia Sophroniades), and the well-known translator Ali Muzaffer, Marifet is a unique example of women’s early participation in the Ottoman periodical press.

See: Özdalga, Elisabeth, Late Ottoman Society: The Intellectual Legacy (London: Routledge, 2014), p. 239; and Yumi, Ishimaru, “The Beginnings of Journalism in the Ottoman Empire 1831-1908,” Oriento, 34:2 (1991), pp. 110-124 (in Japanese).

Mecmua-i Âsâr: manzum ve mensur eski ve yeni tarzda yazılmış bilcümle âsâr-ı nefise ve makbule’yi havi mecmua-yi edebiyedir

مجموعه آثار: منظوم و منثور اسكى و يكى طرزده يازلمش بالجمله آثار نفيسه و مقبولەیی حاوی مجموعە ادبیەدر

Edited by Arif and printed at Mehrân Matbaası in Istanbul.

Monthly; 1299 [1883] – 1300 [1884]; 1303 [1887].

A collection of articles on various topics, this periodical appears to have carried a diverse range of literary and non-literary pieces by notable figures in the Ottoman intellectual establishment.

Mecmua-yı Ebüzziya: Fünun ve maarifden bahs eder ve her şehr-i arabî ibtidasiyle onbeşinde neşrolunur mecmua-i mevkutedir

مجموعۀ ابوالضيا: فنون و معرفدن بحش ايدر هر شهر عربی ابتداسیلە اونبشندە نشر اولنور مجموعە موقوتەدر

Edited by Ebüzziya Mehmet Tevfik and printed at Mihran Matbaası in Istanbul.

Biweekly, then weekly; 15 Ramazan 1297 [31 August 1880] – 2 Ramazan 1330 [15 August 1912], although not published between 1305 [1888-89] and 1312 [1895-96].

A literary periodical by the landmark editor and publisher Ebüzziya Mehmet Tevfik, this magazine combined reprints of literary texts by some of the best-known names of Islamic intellectual history with contemporary Turkish production and translations from European languages.

See also: Kahraman, Alim, “Mecmûa-i Ebüzziyâ: 1880-1912 yılları arasında on beş günlük ve haftalık olarak yayımlanan ilmî, edebî, siyasî dergi,” Türk Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi. <Last accessed: 22 April 2020>

Mecmua-i Edebiye: Edebî, fennî, sınaî, ticarî gazetedir

مجموعه ادبيه: ادبى، فنى، صناعى، تجارى غزتەدر

Published by Mehmet Ekrem in Istanbul.

Weekly; 12 Teşrin-i Evvel 1316 [25 October 1900] – 19 Eylül 1318 [2 October 1902].

Although providing space for articles on a wide variety of topics, this periodical was focused primarily upon literature, especially poetry. It carried works by Ahmet Haşim, Celal Sahir, Nazım Nazmi, İsak Frera and Mehmet Hilmi.

See also: Yurdun, Derya, “Mecmua-i Edebiye: İnceleme, Tahlilî Fihrist, Seçme Metinler,” (unpublished masters thesis, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Anabilim Dalı, 1999).

Mecmua-i Kemal: Üç Ayda Neşr Olunur Risale se mâhedir

مجموعه كمال: اوچ آيده نشر اولنور رساله سه ماهه در

Edited by Ali Kemal and printed in Cairo.

One issue; 1 Haziran 1901 [13 June 1901].

A magazine concerned with a wide swathe of cultural life, this periodical was penned entirely by Ali Kemal and includes some of his literary creations.

Mecmua-i Lisan: pencşembe günleri bir neşr olunur elsine, tarih, edebiyat ve saire’den bâhis Osmanlı gazetesidir

مجموعه لسان: پنجشنبە كونلری نشر اولنور السنە، تاریخ، ادبیت و سایرەدن باحث عثمانلى غزتەسی در

Edited by Mehmet Halim and printed in Istanbul.

Biweekly, then weekly; 4 Haziran 1314 [17 June 1898] – 19 Ağustos 1316 [1 September 1900].

An omnibus cultural and linguistic magazine, this periodical covered the literary trends of the late 19th-century Ottoman Empire. The Mecmua-i Lisan was a particularly important locus for the development and spread of Ottoman translations of European texts, as it frequently ran contests for the best translations produced by its readers.

See also: Demircioğlu, Cemal, “Altaic tradition: Turkey,” in A World Atlas of Translation, ed. Yves Gambler and Ubaldo Stecconi, (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2019), p. 223.

Mecmua-i Muallim

مجموعه معلم

Edited by Muallim Naci and printed in Istanbul at Şirket-i Mürettebiye Matbaası.

Weekly; 30 Eylül 1303 [13 October 1887] – 3 Teşrin-i Sanî 1304 [16 November 1888].

A periodical dedicated primarily to the dissemination and critique of older Turkish poetry and prose, Muallim Naci’s publication carried articles by İsmâil Safâ, Ali Ulvi, Besim, İbrahim Necâti, Mehmet Said and M. Selâhaddin.

See also: Uçman, Abdullah, “Mecmûa-i Muallim: Muallim Nâci’nin (ö. 1893) çıkardığı haftalık edebî dergi,” Türk Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi. <Last accessed: 22 April 2020>

Mekteb: onbeş günde bir defa perşembe günleri neşrolunur, edebî ve hikemî, fennî risaledir

مكتب: اونبش كونده بر دفعه پرشنبه کونلری نشر اولنور ادبی و حکمی، فنی رسالەدر

Edited by İsmail Hakkı (Eldem) and Ebülfeyyaz Hakkı, owned by Karabet and printed in Istanbul at Mahmud Bey Matbaası.

Weekly; 26 Temmuz 1307 [8 August 1891] – 30 Kanun-ı Sanî 1313 [12 February 1898].

A periodical devoted to the circulation of contemporary prose and poetry, as well as criticism, Mekteb was edited by İsmail Hakkı from 1891 to 1894, followed by Ebülfeyyaz Hakkı from 1894-1898. The magazine was a particularly important voice for the Servet-i Fünun generation of writers.

Mir’ at-i âlem: suunat-i medeniyye, mebahis-i ibniyye ve edebiyye, seyahat ve teracim-i ahval gibi husuat-i mütenevviadan bahseder

مرات العالم: صعنات مدنيه، مباحث فنيه و ادبيه، سياحات و تراجم احوال كبى خصوصت متنوعيەدن بحث ادر

Edited by Mehmet Tevfik and published in Istanbul by the Encümen-i Hadim-i Terakki Maarif.

Irregular periodicity; 25 Haziran 1300 [8 July 1884] – 1303 [1887-1888].

An illustrated and lithographed periodical devoted to a number of different cultural and educational topics, this publication borrowed imagery, although not articles, from the works of American missionaries. It included works by contemporary poets such as Nabizade Nazım and Recaizade Ekrem.

See also: Özdalga, Elisabeth, Late Ottoman Society: The Intellectual Legacy (London: Routledge, 2014), p. 238; and Özgül, M. Kayahan, Resmin Gölgesi Şiire Düştü (İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 1997).

Mirsad: siyasattan maada herşeyden bahseder ve haftada bir defa neşrolunur

مرصاد: سياستدن معده هر شيدن بحث ايدر و هفتەدا بر دفعە نشر اولنور

Edited by Halil İbrahim and printed in Istanbul at Alem Matbaası.

Weekly; 14 Mart 1307 [26 March 1891] – 29 Ağustos 1307 [11 September 1891].

A short-run literary and cultural magazine, Mirsad carried considerable amounts of contemporary verse, as well as prose articles.

Muharrir: edebiyat, sanayı, bedâyi, terâcim-i ahvâl, tarih, coğrafya, seyahat, ve saire’den bahseder ve oniki nüshası bir senelik itibar olunur mecmuadır

محرر: ادبيت، صنايع، بدايى، تراجم أحوال، تاريخ، جوغرافيا، سياحت، و سايردن بحث ادر و اون ايكي نسحسی بر سنەلک اعتباراولنور مجموەدر

Edited by Ebüzziya Mehmet Tevfik and printed in Istanbul at Tasvir-i Efkâr Matbaası.

Monthly; Muharrem 1293 [January-February 1876] – Safer 1295 [February 1878].

One of Ebüzziya’s many projects dedicated to the publishing and dissemination of contemporary Ottoman literature, Muharrir was the first magazine in which Mehmet Tevfik used the epithet Ebüzziya. He composed articles while in prison and passed them to his colleague Şemseddin Sami for publication in Muharrir.

See also: Ebüzziya, Ziyad, “Ezzübiyâ Mehmed Tevfik (1849-1913): Gazeteci, matbaacı, mütercim ve yeni edebiyatın yayılıp tutunmasında hizmetleri geçen yayımcı,” Türk Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi. <Last accessed: 27 April 2020>

Musavver Fen ve Edeb: menafi-i mülk ve devlete hadim Osmanli risalesi

مصور فن و ادب: منافع ملك و دوتله خادم عثمانلى رساەسی

Edited by Mehmet Tahir and printed in Istanbul.

Weekly; 19 Ağustos 1315 [31 August 1899] – 5 Şubat 1319 [17 February 1904].

This illustrated weekly carried a large number of articles devoted to literary criticism as well as original pieces of prose and poetry. It featured works by Mehmet Asaf, Namık Ekrem, Namık Sadri, Mustafa Kemal, Ömer Lütfi (Prizrenli) and Mehmet Hilmi (Kıbrıslı).

See also: Kolcu, Abdurrahman, “Musavver fen ve edeb mecmuası: (inceleme, tahlilî fihrist ve seçme metinler),” (unpublished masters thesis, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Anabilim Dalı, 2004).

Nevsal-i Servet-i Fünun

نوسال ثروت فنون

Also known as: Musavver Nevsal-i Servet-i Fünun.

Published by and printed in Istanbul at Âlem Matbaası, Ahmed İhsan ve Şürekası.

Annual; 1310 [1894-1895] – 1314 [1898-1899].

The connection between this annual publication of general content, including literary matters and the periodical Servet-i Fünun (see below) is unclear.



Published by Feraizcizade Mehmet Şakir and printed in Bursa at Feraizcizade Matbaası.

Monthly, initially biweekly; Rebiülevvel 1305 [November-December 1887] – Safer 1309 [September-October 1891].

A representative of the provincial press, Nilüfer is notable not only for its circulation of contemporary literary production, but also for its publication of readers’ submissions. It carried pieces focused on themes of religion and tradition, while also carrying translations of European works.

See also: Yavuz, Emine, “Nilüfer Mecmûası’ndaki Edebiyatla İlgili Yazılar,” (unpublished masters thesis, Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı Yeni Türk Edebiyatı Bilim Dalı, 1999).

Pul Mecmuası: Ayda bir neşrolunur, fennî, edebî, risale-i mevkutedir

پول مجموعەسی: ایدا بر نشر اولنور، فنی، ادبی، رسالە موقوتەدر

Edited by Mehmet Ekrem and printed in Istanbul at Âlem Matbaası, Ahmet Ihsan ve Şürekası.

Monthly; 19 Ağustos 1313 [1 September 1897] – 11 Mart 1315 [24 March 1899].

Named after the humble postage stamp, this monthly publication carried original pieces by some of the biggest names of the Servet-i Fünun school, including İsmail Safâ.

Resi̇mli̇ gazete: makalât-i ilmiye ve fenniyeʼnin vasıta-i intişârı, gülzâr-ı edebiyatın tecellîgâh-ı âsârıdır

رسملی غزتە: مقالات علمیە و فنیەنك واسطه انتشارى، كلذار ادربتك تجليكاه آثاريدر

Managed by Mehmet Rıza Bey, edited by İbn Ref’at Semih Bey and Sâmi Bey and published in Istanbul by Kitapçı Karabet.

Weekly; 14 Mart 1307 [27 March 1891] – 26 Ağustos 1315 [8 September 1899].

A periodical featuring the work and opinions of the Servet-i Fünun generation of intellectuals, this weekly also carried articles about a wide variety of other social and scientific issues. It is particularly notable for the considerable volume of illustration that accompanied texts.

Süha: siyasattan her şeyden bahseder

سها: سياستدن هر شيدن بحث ايدر

Edited by Rusçuklu Mehmet Hayri and printed in Istanbul at Mahmut Bey Matbaası.

Annual?; 1300 [1883-1884].

Primarily a periodical about classical Ottoman Turkish literature, this one-off publication was the brainchild of Rusçuklu Mehmet Hayri. In addition to his own poetry, he also made use of the magazine to circulate the poetic work of Muallim Naci.

See also: Koyuncu, Fatih, “Son Dönem Osmanlı Âlim ve Ediplerinden Rusçuklu Mehmet Hayri ve Siyer-i Fârûk İsimli Eseri,” Turkish Studies, 10:16 (2015), pp. 897-922.

Tulûʼ: siyasiyâttan başka herşeyden bahseder ve her şehr-i Rumî ibtidasıyle onbeşinde cüzʼ neşrolunur risale-i mevkutedir

طلوع: سياستدن بشقه هرشيدن بحث ايدر و هر شهر رومى ابتداسيله اونبشنده جزء نشر اولنور رساله موقوتەدر

Edited by M. Nuri and printed in Istanbul at Mahmud Bey Matbaasi.

Biweekly; 31 Temmuz 1300 [13 August 1884] – 31 Kanun-ı Sanî 1300 [13 February 1885].

A biweekly of the anything-but-politics focus common among publications of the early Hamidian period, Tulû’ was published and edited by M. Nuri. It appears to have carried articles on cultural and social issues, including literature.

Umran: Onbeş günde bir defa Cumartesi günleri çıkar ve edebiyat, fünun, teracim-i ahval, seyahât, roman ve lataifden bahis Osmanlı risale-i mevkutesi

عمران: اونبش كونده بر دفعه جمعە ارتەسی کونلری چقار و ادبیت، فنون، تراجم أحوال، سیاحات، رومان و لطائفدن باحث عثمانلى رساله موقوتسی

Edited by Ahmet İhsan (Tokgöz) and printed in Istanbul at Ahmed İhsan E.Mavyan Şirket-i Mürettibiye Matbaası.

Biweekly; 30 Teşrin-i Sanî 1303 [12 December 1887] – 26 Teşrin-i Evvel 1304 [8 November 1888].

One of a long line of publications produced by Ahmet İhsan (Tokgöz), Umran provided a space for the dissemination of contemporary prose and poetry.

See also: Ebüzziya, Ziyad, “Ahmet İhsan Tokgöz (1867-1942): Gazeteci, matbaacı, yayımcı ve siyasat adamı,” Türk Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi. <Last accessed: 5 May 2020>

Michael Erdman is the Curator of Turkish and Turkic Collections at the British Library. He was awarded the title of PhD by SOAS University of London in 2018 for his dissertation on the comparative historiography of origin narratives in early Republican Turkey and the Soviet Union. His other works can be found on his profile and on his blog.